Creating Change Through Dialogue for Global People - Online Programme 25-26 April 2023

Creating Change through dialogue 2023


A two-day programme for leaders, global mobility professionals and change agents who want to lead powerful conversations. If you work with teams and stakeholders in different geographic locations and want to catalyse sustainable change across cultural and organisational divides by uplifting people and performance, this leading-edge programme is for you.

We live in an increasingly interconnected world where talent can, once again, move more freely. This has many benefits. But it also brings challenges. In particular, we are at risk of increasing fragmentation. Individuals often struggle to talk with each other about what matters most. Teams compete rather than collaborate so that critical issues fall through the cracks. Organisations don’t serve their whole ecosystem of stakeholders and fail to connect people with an inspiring purpose.

Creating Change through Dialogue in Global Business is a skill-building programme that provides practical tools to mitigate the risks by shifting these dynamics. It gives you the know-how to participate in and lead powerful conversations that create positive change to increase performance and wellbeing and get the most out of interdisciplinary and/or international projects, assignments and global talent.


Participating in this programme will enable you to expand your leadership skill set whether you are:

  • An international business leader in the private, public or not-for-profit sector
  • A manager responsible for international assignees or business travellers
  • A global mobility or HR professional who catalyses or supports change in organisations
  • A stakeholder in technology, finance, manufacturing, enterprise or education and learning who has a vision to generate sustainable global growth and radical social change.


Research shows that better dialogue delivers measurable benefits, including improved team performance, more satisfied customers and higher profitability. There is an art and science to holding powerful meetings where people do their best thinking and commit to aligned action.

Participating in this programme enables you to:

  • Lead conversations that mobilize people’s energy for action
  • Intervene skilfully in teams, groups and systems to integrate multiple viewpoints, increase creativity and decrease the risk of blind spots
  • Co-create solutions to challenges by listening to each individual and the wisdom of the whole room


Dialogue delivers results by turning creative tensions between different stakeholders into radically new insights and innovation. Rather than merely fighting for one’s own point of view, dialogue allows participants to stretch and evolve their points of view through engaging sincerely and creatively with opposing viewpoints and agendas. On the programme, we will discuss creative tensions such as:

  • Opposing agendas related to relocation of talent at different levels of management management levels
  • Tensions between sending and receiving line managers around interpretation of relocation packages
  • The wish to harvest the power of diversity through relocation alongside maintaining group coherence
  • Different views on how relocation mobility and international experience can and should contribute to employee and/or organisational development
  • Economic vs. family related selection criteria when choosing between candidates for relocation
  • How various host locations view talent deployment of minority groups
  • Different views on relocation vs. online work and the possibility for hybrid work forms after a relocation move or repatriation


Participating in this programme will enable you to shift from talking nice, talking tough or not talking at all. Instead, you’ll be able to lead conversations that draw on the intelligence of people around you to improve decisions, innovation, and productivity by:

  • Creating the conditions for authentic dialogue that accesses collective intelligence
  • Showing up more powerfully as who you really are by displaying new behaviours
  • Making change happen by intervening in systems, teams and groups with new skills


The programme consists of a unique and energizing weave of experiential exercises, personal reflection, research inputs and whole group dialogue.

Instead of the typical role play approach we draw on a rich diversity of fields including applied psychology, organisational dialogue and cognitive science. Prior to the programme, you’ll have the opportunity to identify a current leadership challenge to explore and move forward.


Sarah Rozenthuler 2023

SARAH ROZENTHULER is a leadership consultant, dialogue coach and published author with over 15 years’ experience working internationally as a professional psychologist. Clients include BP, Spencer Stuart and Standard Chartered Bank. With extensive expertise in dialogue facilitation and team development, Sarah coaches senior leaders and their teams to have the conversations that matter most.

Sarah is passionate about unlocking human potential in organisations. She has been a Chartered Psychologist since 2003 and has worked closely with global thought leaders Bill Isaacs and Peter Garrett. Sarah’s book Life- Changing Conversations (Watkins, 2012) has been widely featured in the media, including the Guardian, FT, Sunday Times, Psychologies Magazine and BBC Business online.


Claus Springborg 2022

CLAUS SPRINGBORG is a leadership consultant, author, lecturer at Copenhagen Business School and an Associate Consultant of Bridgework. With a PhD research from Cranfield School of Management on practices that can help leaders to solve seemingly unsolvable problems, Claus has over ten years’ experience teaching entrepreneurship, management theory and personal development.

As the author of the book Sensory Templates and Managerial Cognition – Art, Cognitive Science and Spiritual Practices in Management Education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) Claus enables leaders to improve their effectiveness by deepening their presence. Using an evidence-based approach, Claus brings humanistic principles, precision, reflexivity and humour to his teaching and consulting work.

25 - 26 APRIL ONLINE PROGRAMME - 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm both days

£795 + VAT (Corporate Funded)

£595 + VAT (Self-Funded)

Ticket type

A limited number of bursaries are available on request.

Email Catherine Simms at to confirm your place.


“Brilliant course – maybe the best I have been on. Loved the models and exercises. Great to have some practical tools for board conversations that lead to better decisions and higher performance.”  Gareth Evans, HR Director, AB Connect.

“This programme gave me the opportunity to investigate dialogue in depth and to practise with other professionals. The dialogic tools and skilled facilitation have helped me to embed dialogue into the way I work.”  Gillian Crooks, HR Transformation Change, Engagement and Communications Lead, HMRC
