Shanghai Community International School - Hangzhou International School

Shanghai Community International School – Hangzhou International School (SCIS-HIS) are a system of schools with the same mission: to provide all of our students with opportunities to pursue academic & personal excellence in nurturing, international community environments. These opportunities are provided by an outstanding staff of resource rich teachers, working in first-rate learning environments, on safe & secure campuses.

We offer an international curriculum (Nursery – Grade 12) based on international school research and best practices. The international Baccalaureate Diploma program is offered in grades 11 and 12. After school activities are equally diverse and provide students with the opportunity to participate in a variety of clubs and sports.

SCIS-HIS graduates
Recent graduates

SCIS-HIS strives to take full advantage of our international community and the circumstances that make international schools the dynamic places that they are. Our teaching faculty is recruited internationally and represents the best in current educational practice. These educators are selected for their qualifications, their passion for teaching and their dedication to students.

SCIS-HIS students
Students at SCIS-HIS

SCIS - Hongqiao Main Campus

1161 Hongqiao Road

Shanghai, China 200051

Telephone: 86-21-6261-4338

Fax: 86-21-6261-4639

SCIS-HIS science
Science at SCIS-HIS

SCIS - Hongqiao ECE Campus 

2212 Hongqiao Road

Shanghai, China


Telephone: 86-21-6295-1222

SCIS - Pudong Campus

198 Hengqiao Road

Zhoupu Town, Pudong

Shanghai, China


Telephone: 86-21-5812-9888

FAX: 86-21-5812-9000

SCIS-HIS performing arts
The performing arts

SCIS-HIS swimming
Swimming at SCIS-HIS

Hangzhou International School 

78 Dongxin Street

Bin Jiang District

Hangzhou, China


Telephone: 86-571-8669-0045

FAX: 86-571-8669-0044

Tour our campuses by calling 86-21-6261-4338 ext.1

Visit Website

1161 Hongqiao Road




T: 86-21-6261-4338

F: 86-21-6261-4639