Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
With a report by technology company, Dell estimating that 85 per cent of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t yet been invented, today’s school leavers are facing a future in an uncertain job market. Find out how schools are helping students to develop skills that will make them work-ready.

What are the skills that employers seek?
Speaking at the 2018 Global Education and Skills Forum (GESF) in Dubai, Dr Reuben Abraham, CEO of Think-Tank the IDFC Institute, said, “We have always had a fear of new technology, even as far back as the industrial revolution, but those fears have been largely unfounded, so why is it different now? Well, it’s the speed in which technology has come to the fore. The risk factor we are dealing with is on a grand economic; political and social level.”Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and author of The Fourth Industrial Revolution believes that the pace of change is creating opportunities like never seen before.“The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices, with unprecedented processing power, storage capacity, and access to knowledge, are unlimited. And these possibilities will be multiplied by emerging technology breakthroughs in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage, and quantum computing.”Interestingly, amidst this high-tech landscape with automation replacing low-skilled jobs, it is the demand for human skills that is outstripping supply as revealed in a WEF report, The Future of Jobs.
Developing skills
So, how are schools preparing students for a future in which the sands are constantly shifting? Whilst it has been widely publicised that employers are seeking skills that school-leavers and graduates are often lacking (the Chartered Management Institute reports that 85 per cent of business managers believe that work experience should be embedded into courses to help develop skills and make students more employable), the mind-set that students develop at International Schools is likely to place them at a distinct advantage.Our shrinking world and global connectivity means that individuals who can work across cultures and disciplines will be poised to take advantage of the opportunities.
International mindedness
According to Mark London, head of marketing at ACS International Schools, a group of four private schools – three in London and one in Qatar – an international school will teach different subjects in an international context, according to the nationalities of class members. “For example, educators won’t teach history from the perspective of one country but use examples of historical themes and change from across the world. Students develop a global mind-set and learn about many different cultures.”It is this global mind-set or ‘international mindedness’ that will give international school pupils the edge in applying for jobs in the future workplace.“We recognise that international pupils today need to be able to find what ‘home’ means to them and through our unique blend of Thai and British humanities we support children to come to their own conclusions about this,” says Matthew Woodhead, head of Pre-Prep at Brighton College Bangkok, a sister school to Brighton College, one of the UK’s top independent schools. “Pupils with this grounding are ideally suited to apply this to any global situation.”The importance of global mindedness has become such a focus in recent years that it is being incorporated into the OECD’s 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The triennial international survey aims to evaluate education systems worldwide by testing the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in over 70 countries. This year a new ‘assessment of global competence’ has been added to the test. The OECD says that this will enable them to “report on how well students are prepared to live and succeed in today’s global economy and multicultural societies.”They highlight four key traits of globally competent students:- They investigate the world beyond their immediate environment by examining issues of local, global and cultural significance
- They recognise, understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others
- They communicate ideas effectively with diverse audiences by engaging in open, appropriate and effective interactions across cultures
- They take action for collective well-being and sustainable development both locally and globally

The International Baccalaureate
Choosing a curriculum which is internationally transferable is a key aspect of the globally mobile lifestyle as it enables a smooth transition from one country to the next.The International Baccalaureate (IB) was one of the first curricula to truly focus on the concept of 'international mindedness' as Courtney Knight, head of admissions at the International School of Paris, explains, “Students (and everyone in our learning community) strive to be: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective.“These are the ten attributes of the IB profile; the backbone of the IB curriculum. This curriculum was created to develop internationally minded people who recognise a common humanity and who help to create a better world.“An example of how this looks in practice is our Intergenerational Learning Programme. Students in both primary and middle school spend time in retirement homes teaching computer skills, languages and culture to the residents. In return they receive language lessons, learn patience and empathy and improve their communication skills.”Praveen Muruganandan, director of admissions and advancement at the York School, the first school in Canada to become an IB Continuum School, agrees. “The IB is structured to create global learners who consider their place within their communities and also the world,” he says.“Our Junior School students, learning within the IB Programme’s Primary Years Programme (PYP), are educated with a common curricular base with 1,472 other schools in 109 countries. Some of the most important transdisciplinary themes include, ‘How the world works’, ‘Where we are in place and time’ and ‘Sharing the planet.’”But it is not just IB schools that are helping students to become global learners. Schools and education associations around the world are seeking to develop global networks that foster cultural understanding in students.The World Leading Schools Association (WLSA) is an international network of secondary schools that aims to promote cooperation, academic exchange and culturally diverse programmes between leading secondary schools around the world. Merchiston Castle School, an independent school for boys in Edinburgh, was accepted into the association earlier this year. It is the first school in Scotland.Membership provides students with some exceptional opportunities such as attending the WLSA Student Conference – this year in South Korea – where workshops and keynote speakers help them to learn on a global scale.“In modern education it is crucial to have a global perspective, and membership of the WLSA really helps us achieve this,” explains Merchiston’s assistant head academic, Fraser Newham. “Only last week the WLSA arranged for a delegation of senior examiners from Shanghai Municipality in China to visit school as part of a research trip – it was fantastic to have the opportunity to learn more about current educational reform in one of the highest achieving educational systems in the world and discuss attitudes to attainment.“At Merchiston we have students from a diverse range of backgrounds and there is no doubt that this kind of opportunity helps us cater to their diverse needs and strengths.”
In addition to the ‘soft skills’ required by successful global leaders, for some time there has been a drive to encourage students to take science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects in order to supply the talent pipeline for the technologically-orientated careers of the future.The British International School of Chicago – part of the Nord Anglia Education group – has embraced art and design within its STEM movement as critical to successful innovation. Proponents of the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and maths) movement believe that today’s students should be encouraged to develop the “creativity and critical thinking, making and problem-solving skills needed for the entrepreneurial and innovation-driven jobs of the future."Director of admissions, marketing and communications, Erin Woodhams, explains, “Our school collaborates with MIT to develop our STEAM curriculum which is focused on helping our students to invent the future. Cross curricular learning and transferable skills are key to preparing students for jobs that have yet to be created.”Nord Anglia Education has over 50 schools across the globe, which means relocating students can often continue within the same education system. “Students enrolled in any of our schools have the ability to move into another of our sister schools upon a relocation,” explains Ms Woodhams. “This means students can continue to benefit from our bespoke collaborations with institutions such as Juilliard, MIT or Unicef despite having to move to another city or country. This contributes tremendously to the continuity of a student’s education.”With schools around the world rising to the challenge of nurturing global citizens, globally mobile students will be well placed to take advantage of the opportunities that the future workplace will afford.As Klaus Schwab says, “Neither technology nor the disruption that comes with it is a force over which humans have no control. All of us are responsible for guiding its evolution, in the decisions we make on a daily basis as citizens, consumers, and investors. In the end, it all comes down to people and values. We need to shape a future that works for all of us by putting people first and empowering them.”
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