Online learning yields top marks
Lockdown learning not only changed where students learned, but how. Distance- and remote-learning opened opportunities for children and young people around the world. Quality online schools flourished and continue to do so as their A level and GCSE results indicate.

Find out more about virtual schools and online learning in Relocate Global's webinar replays
- A new virtual world: The Lab School
- Virtual school: real results
- Borderless online international education: anywhere, anytime, any child
Harrow School Online nurtures human connection
The first cohort to undertake A level exams at Harrow School Online is also celebrating: 98% were awarded grades from A* to B, and nearly half (45%) were A* grades. Just under 70% of students achieved an A* in at least one of their subjects while a third secured A*s in every subject they took. The pioneering co-ed student body, comprising learners from the UK, Australia, Sri Lanka, Spain, India, Romania and more, studied exclusively online throughout their sixth form education.Heather Rhodes, Founding Principal of Harrow School Online, said: “I am immensely proud of our graduating class for this year. These talented learners have demonstrated great levels of intellect, confidence, resilience and ambition throughout their time at the school. Their results are proof that at its best, online learning can achieve results that are on par with or better than those of a physical school. “Online learning has been seen by many as a second-best option, but we have seen our pupils surpass all expectations. Our results show that when ambitious students are given greater independence and flexibility in their mode of learning, they achieve to the very best of their potential. “The domain of Harrow School Online is one of independence, entrepreneurship, and – above all – human connection. Through our supportive international community of learners, tough elective courses and stimulating student-led societies, and plenty more besides, our learners are blazing ahead to shape the communities and workforces of tomorrow.”The 21K School - a growing international community of learners
Quality online schools offering the US and Indian curricula, as well as the British curriculum, are also flourishing and meeting the needs of a diverse range of relocating families. Among them is the award-winning 21K School, India’s first online-only school. It offers quality, teacher-delivered education to students in a thriving community that currently represents over 54 countries and more than 40 nationalities.Since its establishment in 2020, 21K has grown to over a community of more than 6,000 students who can choose to follow the Indian, American or British curriculum wherever they are in the world. A key part of 21K School’s unparalleled success is that it helps make successful domestic and international relocation a reality for more families. This includes those with globally in-demand IT skills on consecutive assignments.“I lived in Dubai for eight years and I have seen the cost of educating children locally,” says Santosh Kumar, Co-Founder and CEO of 21K. “A lot of Indians working in Dubai don’t even bring their family. In meeting with Yeshwanth [Raj Parasmal – Co-Founder and COO], we have created a solution to this; as well as for parents who want quality teaching and transparency in education in tier three or four cities; for others where school travels with their kids; and for those who need more time for other activities outside school.”This article is included in the Autumn issue of Think Global People magazine (5831k) .
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