

Each year, our Relocate and Think Global People Awards judging panel, made up of independent experts, reflects the diversity of those working in the world of relocation and international assignments and the wide range of suppliers and professionals engaged in supporting relocation and mobility.

This year's talented team of judges is no exception. All are distinguished figures in their fields. We are grateful to them for contributing their time and expertise to making the awards a success.

Two or three members of the panel judged each category.

Judges are not invited to judge a category their company has entered, and sponsors, supporters and professional endorsers do not influence the judging process.

The judging process

It is important for those entering the awards to know that their entry will be judged by a team of experts in global mobility, human resource management, leadership and education, including practitioners and academics. Each category will be judged by two or three independent experts with no conflict of interest. All judges are required to declare any potential conflict of interest and they are excluded from judging entries should this arise.

It is also important for entrants to know that each of the four points listed above can attract a score of 25 points; all entries are scored out of a possible 100. Entrants should therefore ensure that they address each of the four points above, including by supplying a video. This does not need to be a corporate marketing video. Indeed, a personal presentation of how your organisation fulfils the entry criteria is better because then the judges can see how this supports the statements made in the written entry form.

Entrants are politely requested not to exceed the maximum evidence permitted – just one short video, please – and the entry should not contain multiple website links. Please keep to the stipulated word count. Your entry should be summarised succinctly to demonstrate convincingly your achievements, as should the single page of supporting materials, rather than relying on additional sources to make the points for you.

Judges work independently to review the evidence submitted before comparing their outcomes and agreeing on the winner. Where there is a tie or opinions differ, the entries are reviewed by a third judge and/or the head judge.

Tips for entering the awards are given in the podcast, which you can access via this link.

The judging panel is looking forward to hearing about your amazing achievements. Good luck, everyone!

This year's judging panel include:

Dr Sue Shortland, Head Judge

Sue Shortland headshot IWD 2023
Sue Shortland, PhD earned her doctorate in gender diversity in expatriation at the University of Westminster where she lectures in International HRM. She holds the title of Professor Emerita, London Metropolitan University. Sue is an active researcher and has published in a wide range of peer-reviewed academic journals including: Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Global Mobility, Career Development International, Gender in Management, Personnel Review, Employee Relations, Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, and European Journal of International Management. Her specialist research areas lie in diversity and gender in expatriation and in corporate governance with a focus on executive remuneration. Her previous roles include being a manager in international HRM consultancy at KPMG, heading up the CBI’s Employee Relocation Council, and working in various editorial and research capacities for industrial relations and HRM journals.

Awards 2025


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