Relocate Think Women Event


Relocate International Womens Day Think Women 8 March

Think Women Event – Thursday 8 March

3 drop-in sessions run between 10.30 and 4.30

In celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD), Relocate Global is holding a ‘Think Women’ event at the Institute of Directors, 116 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5ED. This event is supported by the Academy of Executive Coaching (AoEC) (Find our how you can benefit from our partnership with AoEC).

We want to capture some of the energy around women in the workplace at the moment and to do something good to support the professional development of women globally. This is part of an initiative to encourage diversity, maximise potential and help alleviate skills shortages.

Using Relocate Global’s network, we aspire to improve the working lives of women around the world.

We invite you to join us and share your ideas on how this can be achieved.

There will be lively, fun, bite-sized activities along-side time for discussion in small groups, designed to capture the energy in our community, make connections, collaborate and inspire leaders of the future.

Discussion points might include:

  • International assignments for women
  • Family Support including career development
  • Gender pay gap
  • Leadership development and coaching
  • Evolving a global mind set
  • Giving back to women – ie support for CSR projects globally
  • Engagement with schools and further/higher education
  • Next steps

Using the starting point ’Who am I’ and 'How can I make a difference?' just come along, and the rest will follow.

Three drop-in sessions will be repeated throughout the day. Choose a time to suit you. Must be booked in advance by 7 March.

Choose a time to suit you:

  • 10.30 - 12.00
  • 12.20 - 14.00
  • 14.30 - 16.00

Limited places available. Please book via Eventbrite by 16.30 on 7 March.

Watch out for Relocate Global's coverage of International Women's Day 2018.

If you are a Corporate HR or Global Mobility Professional and require a complimentary place or need further information, please contact .
