
Destination services provider of the year – regional

Winner: Eres Relocation Services


This article is taken from the 2024 Awards supplement in the Summer 2024 issue of Think Global People magazine

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DSPs are invaluable for supporting global people and their families on the ground settle into their new home and host-country employment. Offering an informed, responsive and client-focused service is the key to successful relocation.

The winner of this award, Eres, certainly understands this. Also winning the Excellence in Talent Development, Deployment, and Engagement award, Europe-based Eres demonstrates how its people focus is fundamental to the excellent service it offers.

Across its nine offices in six countries – Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands – Eres has developed a robust talent pipeline of people with the skills, experiences and leadership to deliver quality and professionalism in the provision of the full range of its destination services.

“Eres has grown significantly in the past few years,” said the judges, explaining why the DSP won and the roles of people development and technology as part of its success. “They have invested in excellent technology, which enables them to provide both excellent client service and a good employee experience.  What was particularly impressive was the establishment of the Eres Academy to train and develop staff. Eres also encourages employees to work in other offices for short periods of time to gain experience.”

Harnessing diversity

The culmination of this people-focused approach is a growing company poised for the human-focused, tech-enabled future with the capacity through its technology and skilled and diverse workforce to match and pre-empt client needs.

Developing and valuing colleagues’ different skills and experiences means the whole company can work together to drive innovation and growth. This approach is reflected in the company’s leadership, who are a mix of nationalities and experience. They are dedicated to understanding and overcoming challenges through teamwork and positive approaches.

The company also supports cross-border experiences for its own team members as a way of driving growth and high-quality service delivery for its clients. In practice, it means one person can have deep working knowledge of multiple countries, rather than just one, and can share this with colleagues and clients.

People-focused technology

Technology also has a critical role at Eres. The company’s client-facing and internal communication and staff development AI tools and IT platforms free people up to achieve their goals.

Clients and team members benefit from Eres’ technology platform, ONYX, which unites the company across borders and cultures. The technology – appreciated by clients for its accessibility – streamlines service initiation and delivery. It supports timely communication and can be accessed in an app and online.

As befits a company driven by innovation, flexibility and growth, ONYX is in constant development to ensure it meets everyone’s needs. The latest development is the adoption of AI to offer time-saving instant form-filling and a chatbot to improve response times. Eres’s own people – Eresians – also have access to the Nest platform for internal communications and online training and career planning tools, such as Eres Academy, so they can too can achieve their career goals.

“For a while now our mission has been to be a leading provider of immigration and DSP in Europe,” said Elaine Héry, co-founder and managing partner at Eres Relocation. “We are doing lots of things to make this happen and communicating with our team and clients about what we are doing. But to have this endorsement and recognition is a tremendous turbo boost.”

See the Winners Announced Page

The award was collected by Elaine Héry, co-founder and managing director, Eres Relocation Services.


Visit the Eres Relocation Services website

Watch the Award Ceremony video highlights

Read about award-winning global mobility, leadership and education in the upcoming Summer issue of Think Global People magazine, with the teams and organisations being celebrated in the Relocate Think Global People Awards 2024. Secure your copy here.


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