
20th Anniversary Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research and Thought Leadership


Winner: John Rason, Santa Fe Relocation

The 20th Anniversary of Relocate magazine and Relocate Global is an appropriate time to honour two people who have contributed to the richness of thought leadership across Global Mobility for many years.

The 20th Anniversary Award for Outstanding Contribution to Research and Thought Leadership goes to John Rason, Group Head of Consulting, Santa Fe Relocation. John has delivered numerous research reports, white papers and a series of webinars and panel discussions showcasing the value of Global Mobility and teasing out the importance of international experience.

John Rason was travelling on the 6 June and not able to attend the Awards Gala Dinner when the surprise announcement was made to enthusiastic applause at the presentation ceremony. 

We will present the Award to John in person over the summer or early autumn. An opportunity to reflect on change over two decades and to explore the future of global mobility.

Visit the Santa Fe Relocation website

Santa Fe Relocation


Summer issue with Awards Supplement Out Now!

Read the full page article here

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Read about award-winning global mobility, leadership and education in the upcoming Summer issue of Think Global People magazine, with the teams and organisations being celebrated in the Relocate Think Global People Awards 2024. Secure your copy here.


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